Congrats Thomashawk!

Congrats to Thomashawk on the flickr interview! “Why? Who?”, you ask. Thomashawk, photographer extraordinaire, has taught me a lot about photography. I’ve never met him, or gone on a photo-walk (to be fixed some day), but have learnt from his work, nonetheless. I am compelled to write this, because, in some ways, there is a certain vindication to Flickr doing an article on him. He has been Flickr’s ardent fan, and critic.

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A weekend of culinary delights

The great G.B Shaw, in “Man and Superman” (not that Superman), quipped, “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” I had a weekend, that reminded me how much I love being fed. It also, reminded me of my wayward ways, in keeping the waistline in check, but I diverge. For this Christmas, I got the most amazing gift – the gift of an evening out trying out food that tasted, as good as it sounds and looks.

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Beautiful git logs and listing files in a commit

Working with git is fun. However, it is easy to get tired of the log list of parameters one has to use to very often. Git aliases are a great way to deal with this. For instance, the standard git log, it pretty much useless in any large project, where there are several hundred commits in a day. Most often, the commit you are looking for in probably several pages deep.

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Macports from behind a proxy

I’ve been using my MBP as the main computer at work for a couple of weeks now. It is not officially “supported”, and I’m left to my own devices to figure out any issues that arise. Configuring proxies on the mac for all GUI applications is quite simple. However, most of the *nix tools have trouble with it. Macports, which I love to hate, should read it from the environment’s $http_proxy and $rsync_proxy, but for some reason doesn’t really do so.

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