Sometimes working with an old c compiler brings up painful, yet fun-filled days of making it speak the same language as you, and sometimes you just go “*$&%*$#&% you piece of sh** compiler”

I had one such moment today, and after I had returned to Zen (some soul-searching and some google searching), I realized it quite simple.

$ gmake  
some_file.h:42: badly punctuated parameter list in \`#define'  
some_file.h:64: badly punctuated parameter list in \`#define'  
Failed to compile  

This was caused by the following:

#define LOG(...) { printf (##__VA_ARGS__); }  

This works in most modern C compilers. However, if you happen to use one from the 80s (I exaggerate a little - not by much), it throws the error as above. You can fix this as follows:

#define LOG(ARGS...) { printf (##ARGS); }  
