Somethings should be obvious, but are not, obviously

Update: Apparently, I had accidentally hit a minor bug in pew. This has now been fixed. Every so often, we spend several hours battling an issue, fighting linux or python or people or thoughts. The solution, often, leaps out when there has been a respite in the constant search for the solution. It’s the “duh” moment, that all of us feel. There is a little self-loathing, and relief at having arrived at solution.

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Badly punctuated parameter list in #define

Sometimes working with an old c compiler brings up painful, yet fun-filled days of making it speak the same language as you, and sometimes you just go “*$&%*$#&% you piece of sh** compiler” I had one such moment today, and after I had returned to Zen (some soul-searching and some google searching), I realized it quite simple. $ gmake ... ... some_file.h:42: badly punctuated parameter list in \`#define' some_file.h:64: badly punctuated parameter list in \`#define' Failed to compile $ This was caused by the following:

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Power of 2

It’s been a while since I’ve done anything except write code – lots of it. The last 20 days have been insane, and ofcourse to a take a break from writing code, I like to read code that others write. (You DO know that I’m crazy, right?!). In one of my futile attempts at clearing my google-reader reading list, I chanced upon a post by Veerabahu, on finding if a number is a power of 2 (or not).

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Why does Java not support unsigned int? - Part 1

An interesting thing for me, is that if I am active on twitter during daytime in India (now that I’m here on vacation), I get to have some interesting conversations about design and development. Today, I chanced to talk about the lack of unsigned values support in Java. veechand is there unsigned int in #java support your answers 10 Jul 2010 from TweetDeck shiva @veechand nope.

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