Webified desktop applications

You know something is seriously out of whack, when you download a 12 MB application that is just a step above an ftp application. I know, a rant at such an ungodly hour! Yup! I have been up 2 hours past bed-time trying to upload a few high-resolution photos. I found these shots of fireworks that I captured about two months back, and finally managed to sneak in some time to process these shots. I started my attempt at putting these on my flickr account, and the pitiful uploader V3, has been failing for the last 2 hours! I doesn’t seem to be the servers, since the 2.5 version works fine. Although, I must confess, I’m uploading files that are more than 5MB, and it’s really just timeout issues. ...

September 25, 2008 · 2 min · Shivanand Velmurugan