2013 on twitter - a recap

Vizify makes a video out of the posts you have made on twitter in the last year. Christina, you are always my #1! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. As any self-respecting nerd would do, I immediately made one for myself. Doesn’t the world need yet another summary of meee!! 2013 on twitter Thanks to my top followers Christina Ray Lian Dave Kell

January 2, 2014 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Proposed GUI for C++ based twitter client

I got really sick of using Adobe AIR apps that take up more and more of system memory for an app that does twitter. I’ve decided to put my “coding for myself” hat on and write a QT based C++ application (that should be cross-platform). No name as yet, but I will find something soon. QtTwitter is taken. Mebbe, once I have a working version, I can get ownership of the project on google code. ...

October 25, 2008 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

A Thousand Tweets

October 15, 2008 · 0 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Welcome new friends from twitter

I have the very distinct feeling that a bunch of people from India, are going to visit my site today. Maybe, it is too late, but nonetheless, I was compelled to post before I left for work, after staying up the whole night (watching movies). No really - Van Helsing followed by American Gangster - two very find movies, I might add, but I digress. I got the honour, of being one of the few listed on a fellow tech-enthusiast’s list of “twittering” Indians. It’s not everyday that I make someone’s list, and hence the compulsion to blog about it. So, thank you Yuvi. Since he described me as a programmer, on his list, it’s only fair – ...

April 2, 2008 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Google blogs its feature later than I do!

I discovered today, that twitter+zooomr+a small utility called Cropper, now allows us to put new information about some of the products we use often, out into the blogosphere (I hate that word now), faster than ever before. Check this image that I posted this image on zooomr on 12th Dec and then twittered it. I found a blog post, by (I presume) one of the engineer’s who made it happen, on the google’s official blog. Although, I didn’t post the exact feature he was talking about, I noticed the feature too on another search I was doing that day. ...

December 18, 2007 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Issue with Twitbin, Jing the next-gen screen capture

Twitbin has been my favourite client for twitter. the key thing that attracted me to it, was that I can use twitter, along side my browsing, and that makes life much simpler. Also, it have a very simple interface, to track your friends and their messages. I realized how much it mean to my twittering experience, when it went down sometime last week. I presumed, it was due to the upgrades that the twitter team was planning, and want to see if the problem persists. Well, looks like twitter is working fine now, through the web-interface, and I guess twitbin should be operational now, but.. well NO.. I still have to use the web interface and it suck big time. ...

October 2, 2007 · 2 min · Shivanand Velmurugan