I'm on cloud number 0.9!

well not really! I just turned on RSSCloud support on this blog’s feed. RSSCloud allows the feedreader subscribing to you, to setup a callback address, which your blog will call whenever you publish something. If every blog does the same, it could account for several thousand, if not million CPU cycles due to lesser polling. It is the brain-child of Dave Winer, the man who invented RSS, the author of the ever-popular scriptingnews blog. (If you had started blog back in 1994, you could’ve got a domain as kewl as his!) ...

September 8, 2009 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Google blogs its feature later than I do!

I discovered today, that twitter+zooomr+a small utility called Cropper, now allows us to put new information about some of the products we use often, out into the blogosphere (I hate that word now), faster than ever before. Check this image that I posted this image on zooomr on 12th Dec and then twittered it. I found a blog post, by (I presume) one of the engineer’s who made it happen, on the google’s official blog. Although, I didn’t post the exact feature he was talking about, I noticed the feature too on another search I was doing that day. ...

December 18, 2007 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan