A weekend of culinary delights

The great G.B Shaw, in “Man and Superman” (not that Superman), quipped, “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” I had a weekend, that reminded me how much I love being fed. It also, reminded me of my wayward ways, in keeping the waistline in check, but I diverge. For this Christmas, I got the most amazing gift – the gift of an evening out trying out food that tasted, as good as it sounds and looks. Without much ado, here is the spread: ...

January 14, 2013 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Two-factor authentication and spicy salmon sashimi don

For the last few months I’ve been annoyed. Two or three times a week, I get a flurry of emails from Facebook and twitter claiming that I reset my password. Sounds like a first-world problem? It is. However, I have 4 emails linked to my Facebook account and one to my twitter account. I get on average 15-20 mails a week, and I dutifully dis-avow each one of them. Then, this happens. It scares the hell out of me, but I procrastinate. After a good two weeks, and 40 mails later, I’ve finally caved, and enabled it. Now, it’s practically impossible to hack my account. Password + token to access from any new device, and I can remotely revoke access to any device I lose. ...

August 23, 2012 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Tandoori spiced fish with cucumber

One program–on Food TV–that I like to watch, is Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares. He is such a powerful person, who is into what he does for a living. He has inspired me to get of my couch and cook decent food. This is a recipe from his book, Fast Food. Every guy who wants to cook decent food should have on his shelf. A simple book, with simple recipes that any idiot (aka me) can follow. Most dishes are less than 30 minutes of cooking time. I’m a very imprecise cook, and subtitute freely when I can’t find a specific fish or condiment. I have taken the same liberty with this recipe as well. ...

September 25, 2008 · 2 min · Shivanand Velmurugan