That queasy feeling

A few days ago, I returned the Ipod touch that I had for exactly 11 days, coz Apple chose to charge me $20. Apart from me being a cheap bas***d, I had this queasy feeling in my gut, about apple products. I felt an unexplainable rage towards Apple, Jobs and the fanboys. I am usually a very moderate person, and it really surprised me that I could harbor such crazy extremism and frustration. I could never place a finger on the source, until I read this article on Coding Horror by Jeff Atwood. ...

January 29, 2008 · 2 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Bye bye IPOD

Since I don’t enjoyed being screwed over when I buy a $500 product, I said buh-bye to my ipod touch today. One thing that I enjoyed, was the sharpness of the display. I will definetly buy this device again, if I knew for sure that, Apple will not pull another stunt like that with the imminent release of IPOD touch SDK. So until then, I commute for 2 hours everyday with no music to listen, no podcast from CNN to watch :( ...

January 18, 2008 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

IPOD touch: Downgrade from 1.1.3 to 1.1.1

My ipod touch was upgraded to 1.1.3, after connecting to my computer, and I wanted to downgrade to 1.1.1, so I could jailbreak it and put any app I want on it. ipodtouchmaster found a way to downgrade it using iPhuc.

January 16, 2008 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

IPod touch 1.1.1 firmware link

Since Apple’s is so bent upon disappointing their customers, by introducing paid firmware upgrades, I needed to ensure that I have the option to jail break, my new ipod touch (if need be). (update: the firmware upgrade itself is not paid. Only the newapps are paid). I am going to wait until they release their SDK in February before I jailbreak mine. I found a link to the 1.1.1 firmware (thanks to Rupert and who-ever posted this). I have a copy on my hard-drive (just in case). ...

January 15, 2008 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Ipod touch/Iphone support

This website, now supports a special interface for viewing using ipod touch/iphone. I’m using the iWPhone plugin at

January 15, 2008 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Google blogs its feature later than I do!

I discovered today, that twitter+zooomr+a small utility called Cropper, now allows us to put new information about some of the products we use often, out into the blogosphere (I hate that word now), faster than ever before. Check this image that I posted this image on zooomr on 12th Dec and then twittered it. I found a blog post, by (I presume) one of the engineer’s who made it happen, on the google’s official blog. Although, I didn’t post the exact feature he was talking about, I noticed the feature too on another search I was doing that day. ...

December 18, 2007 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Review: Canon 40D

The best thing since .. well a Canon 20D. If this video convinced you to buy a Canon 40D, or Canon 30D or Canon20D, use the affiliate links as provided.

December 18, 2007 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

The webfaction experience

The reason for the respite in my blogging, was my move to a new web-host. After several hours of researching, I decided to go with If you haven’t already visited webfaction, DO IT right now! It has been simply amazing. I love the one click installer, and within hours of getting billed, I got access to my account. It comes with shell access, SFTP, enough space, rails 2.x (just days after it was release), django, wordpress 2.3.1 and a host of other webapps, all of which you can install with a just a few clicks on their web interface. ...

December 14, 2007 · 1 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

What will happen in 100 years?

That is a very difficult question to answer (which I don’t answer anywhere in this post: go away). Anyone who attempts to do so, must be a genius or a fool, perhaps a little of both. Philipp Lenssen on Google Blogoscoped, observes how one of those is true. Here is a more detailed analysis. John Watkins, must have been quite a visionary considering the depth of his predictions and how much of it has come true. ...

November 30, 2007 · 5 min · Shivanand Velmurugan

Loving my Canon 40D

I recently got myself a Canon 40D. After a 3 year wait, I can finally afford to buy myself a DSLR, and have been going crazy with it for the last couple of weeks. larger version. Largely influenced by Thomas Hawk’s passion, I have started carrying the camera everywhere I go: to work, when I go shopping, and even when I am just walking around the neighbourhood. I shot this picture, on my back from work, last Friday. With all the shooting, I am running out of HDD space very quickly. I am ok, for the next month (I have 2 external 80GB HDD + around 60GB in my laptop). After that, I will need to move the old ones to DVDs (something, which I hate doing: easy to lose shots, and difficult to retrieve). ...

October 20, 2007 · 2 min · Shivanand Velmurugan