After a whole month, of wearing a cast, I got my hand back today. This is the first time, in 30 days that I am using both my hands to type and it feels good to be back (atleast partially).
Here are some pics of my hand.
That is the result of a 4 cm incision on my elbow, to re-align a 3 cm X 2 cm piece of cartiledge that had broken and had torn into my tricep. The doc says, that upto 10 cms of the tricep was torn by this piece. They have affixed this piece to my elbow with a screw to keep it in place.
I have to undergo a minimum of 5 days of physio therapy. I went for my first session today, and by far the worst part of breaking a bone, is doing physio! God it is painful to stretch your hand, after not moving it for a month. It is also very liberating that we get the faculty of using both hands!
I can imagine the struggle that those who are unfortunate to lose a limb, go through, to get through daily activities. I must thank my stars and all those who took great care of me.
Once again, at the risk of sounding very soapy, I thank all of you who kept me going.
Here are some more pictures.