Wowie!!! Yippeee!!! Yikes!!!
That’s the sequence of emotional states that I have transitioned through over the last couple of days. Getting some rains after a long period of drought was nice, but then like most things in Chennai, it turns out a teeny weeny bit much, when I have to waddle through knee deep slush!

Torrentials rains have gripped Chennai, for the last couple of days and today life came to a stand-still! Water logging everywhere, no power, nowhere to go to eat! More has been predicted for the weekend! Let’s hope chennai is not submerged by the time I get back from Diwali holidays

Like my new found pals in TAC put it, “This is a city of extremes!!”. He was telling me today, about the food you can get in chennai, it is either way to spicy, or no spice at all, the deserts are way to sweet to have a second bite, or absolutely zero sweetness?!

Yup mate, it a city of extremes, it can be 45 degrees C in summer, the will dry up the moisture in your blood (I’m just exaggerating here), or it can be torrential rains like this!! Well, despite all this, the city has a charm that most cities I have seen seem to have a lost. It is a big city, and yet you would still find that odd gentleman, who takes the time to stop and give you directions when you are lost, that friendly auto-rickshaw guy, you can within the span of 15 mins give you all that has been happening in Chennai in the last month!

Chennai, I have fallen for thee! Yup you are the “Venice of Asia” although it might be so for only 3 days in 10 years!