Getting git status on multiple directories

At any given time, I have a handful of git repositories that I work on. While typing in the command-line is great, it getting tiring when you have a several directories that you have to manually change to and check. The “git status” command can take the git repo and the working directory as input. That, and a little bash programming to the rescue. The following command, executes git status in every subdirectory that is a git repository.

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Life in the BASH universe

If you write a lot of scripts to automate tasks, you probably already know this. However, if you don’t, and you are still reading, you are probably a programmer, in which case, you really should be learning how to script in BASH! A couple of pointers for you: 1. Using a -x, in the shebang line “echo"s every line before executing. This turns out to be quite useful for debugging shell scripts

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Exporting XDisplay

In *nix systems, you can make the display, the GUI of an application, appear on another machine. This if often required, when the machine you want to run the application on is in a lab, and you have access through a desktop machine that has a monitor. You can do this, by running an XServer on the desktop machine and configuring the client (the one where you run your app) with the XServer details.

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